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Magic in the Desert

a VR/MR Immersive Experience in Development

Artists: Cristina Kotz Cornejo, Damián Turkieh, Anya Belkina, Maria Beatriz Del Rio, Diego Quiroz

Magic in the Desert is a VR/MR experience told through Indigenous Cacique (Chief) Modesto Inakayal’s time in captivity in the Museum of La Plata in Buenos Aires. It’s an immersive journey through the complicated history of Argentina’s attempt to form its national identity on the extermination of the Indigenous people during the rise of physical anthropology and racial science in the mid 19th and early 20th centuries.

At the center of this drama is the story of Cacique Inakayal. One of the most notable Indigenous leaders of the Mapuche Tehuelche people. Inakayal was taken prisoner in 1884, held with his family, studied, displayed, and later died, by suicide, in captivity as a part of Buenos Aires’ Museum of La Plata’s anthropological “collection.”

In this VR/MR room-scale experience, participants are transported along in real museum and magic realist spaces to learn the history and experience the ancestral and spiritual practices of the Mapuche Techuelche culture.

Supported by

Magic in the Desert Teaser/Prototype

Cacique Antonio Modesto Inacayal

Cacique Antonio Modesto Inakayal

3D Scan of the Cultrun.

3D Scan of the Kultrun.

3D Model of Kultrun

360 footage of Inakayal masoleum in Tecka.

360 footage of Inakayal mausoleum in Tecka.

Photo by Carri

Photo by Carri

Cultrun on alter. Photo by Cristina Kotz Cornejo

Kultrun on alter. Photo by Cristina Kotz Cornejo

Museum of La Plata with Anthropologist Máximo Farro

Museum of La Plata with Anthropologist Máximo Farro

cristina kotz cornejo.JPG