Guest VR Filmmaker @ Mass Art Art's Electric Dreams: Frontiers of the Moving Image Class

Artist and Professor Tammy Dudman invited me to be a guest VR filmmaker and to present my 360 documentary work and the research and development progress on Magic in the Desert for her students in her emerging media course, Electric Dreams: Frontiers of the Moving Image at MassArt in Boston.

Student experiencing the 360 documentary, “the root is more important than the flower”

Student experiencing the 360 documentary, “the root is more important than the flower”

Student experiencing the 360 documentary, “the root is more important than the flower”

Student experiencing the 360 documentary, “the root is more important than the flower”

Paris is Back: Will the Indigenous People of Argentina Be Included in New Immersive Territories?

"Argentina, while very slowly making strides to reckon with its practices of discrimination and exclusion, has an opportunity to change how it approaches who receives support for media projects and who the next generation of media makers will be as technologies evolve." Article written by Cristina Kotz Cornejo

Link: AR/VR Journey

German and Me and Chimba.jpg